The story of Amah Daniel, the youngest Divisional Police Officer (DPO) in Nigeria is one of such that massively impress. He is a police officer with a mark of distinction and deserves commendation.
Amah Daniel is the DPO of the Bompai Police Station, in Nassarawa Kano area of Kano state, where under his watch the command has been adjudged the best Best Police Station in Nigeria.
The impressive tales of efficiency, professionalism and good public relations that have trailed Amah Daniel's touch at Bompai have been so much that it attracted the visit of the Inspector General of Police (IGP), Ibrahim Kpotun Idris, on an assessment tour yesterday.
The IGP was quite impressed by what he saw. In his words:
"This is probably the neatest, most efficient and prompt-servicing police station we have in the police force at the moment. I am impressed at all I'm seeing here, it confirms what we've been hearing about the leadership abilities of Amah Daniel. I commend him hugely.
"He is a young and very promising and professional police officer whose leadership qualities have clearly robbed off his officers."
In his mid 30s, DPO Amah Daniel is definitely a breathe of fresh air out of the Nigeria police force.
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